What can I do for you?

I put a lot of time and research into understanding what the human needs are so your problems are defined and my solutions and prototypes align with users. I dedicate effort to understanding your business goals and ultimate function and purpose of your product.

I'm a UX designer with a focus on accessibility. My prototypes and designs are compliant with Web Content Accessibility Guides 2.2 (A-AAA), and I continuously invest in my personal accessibility education. Currently learning more about AI and compliance as regulation is constantly evolving!

Why focus on accessibility?

I believe that expanding user experience not only benefits countless people but also boosts business revenues. With over 1 billion people globally (15%-20% of the population) identified as having a disability, neglecting accessibility means losing a significant audience.

My extensive experience in special education, both as a teacher and an implementation and compliance manager, taught me about human behavior, accessibility, learning styles, and progress monitoring. The legal implications of neglecting accessibility design in education inspired me to pursue user experience design, realizing that prioritizing problem definition and user research could reduce daily struggles for educators in education as well.

Using various education software, I witnessed firsthand how inefficiencies created barriers for my students with disabilities, who made up ~30% of our population. Additionally, having family and friends who need reading assistance and assisstive technology fueled my passion for designing with usability in mind.

Who am I?

I grew up in South East Asia, and I've been a Midwesterner since 2011 (mostly in Chicago)! I'm also a proud cat parent to Mario and Princess Peach. My dreams and goals include building an artist collective community, playing pool tournaments in Vegas, and visiting my family and friends around the globe. In my free time, you can find me reading outside, trying to learn adobe after effects for my illustrations, and scouring sound cloud for the latest remixes.  

Interested to learn more?

I'd love to llisten to your goals and see if we are a good fit!
Email Ellyn